Hello, FAMILY!
Did my letter seem slightly scattered last week? That would be because my companion got an email from home saying her dad was really ill and was in the hospital. So, I was a little more focused on comforting her and getting her a blessing, and then we went to the mission home and she called her family. He had pancreatitis, but she got an email today saying they had it under control and he'd been released from the hospital. My poor companion. First week in the field, and she was so worried about her family.
That being said: MOTHER AND FATHER. If anything like that EVER happens, call or email my mission president. Seriously. I don't want news like that in an email!! :)
This week we had Zone Conference. Which was AWESOME. I learned SO much. Probably my favourite that I want to share: The opposite of love is not hate, it's apathy. This is why treating sacred things casually is such a sin: we show God how we feel about spiritual experiences based on how we treat those we've already been given. So treasure them up!!! I mean, I guess I'd known this before, but it hadn't really clicked that TRUE opposites are love and apathy, not love and hate. Just think about it. It really made me reevaluate how I treat things.
And I totally forgot to tell you last week! Most crazy and hilarious thing ever. We showed up to a dinner appointment, and heard VERY loud screaming and swearing. I thought someone was in labour. We walked in, and Hazel was on the couch screaming in pain...she had broken her foot (found out she broke 5 bones and dislocated them. Yeesh). Which is not funny at all. But the funny part is that I told her to squeeze my hand as hard as she needed to deal with the pain till the paramedics arrived. Within a few seconds, I was worried that she was going to squeeze it so hard it pinched off. This fuzzy numbness started up my arm and suddenly I realized I was going to pass out. Please imagine this scene: A lady on the couch with a broken foot screaming in very colourful language, me swaying back and forth on the verge of passing out, Hazel's mother apologizing to us that our dinner wasn't ready yet, and my companion looking scared out of her wits. For some reason, I think it's probably the most hilarious thing that's happened to me on my mission. Every time I think about the situation, it gets funnier and funnier. Luckily the paramedics got there. They gave Hazel some painkillers to breathe in, and I was seriously tempted to ask for some too. Haha. She's okay now...she had surgery and will fully recover.Just thought you'd appreciate that story. :)
My favorite “missionary experience” of the week was a lesson we taught with the Purbas. It was the lesson itself that was so cool. Parveen is the mom, and she just came back to church three months ago. Her 11 and 15 year old daughters are still inactive, so we go over there to work with them. This week, we decided we wanted to be a little bit bold with them. So we shared the Parable of the Ten Virgins. And my companion and I just felt so inspired to keep and keep sharing insights from it with them. It was probably the sharpest rebuke I've given so far in a lesson. It's actually a really sad situation when you look at the 5 foolish virgins....they knew the bridegroom, they made the effort to attend, and they even brought their own lamps....knowing full well they didn't have oil. They simply assumed that because they had put forth the physical effort to be there, the oil would be provided. Do we do this? Do we go through the motions of living the gospel without repeatedly having spiritual experiences to fill our lamps with oil? I could tell Ayesha was really hit by the lesson. Hopefully we see some change as a result of it.
Random things about England this week:
The weather this week has been crazy. One day it poured, was sunny for about 15 minutes, and then hailed. Talk about temperamental.
American people now sound weird to me. I stopped a lady and asked her where she was from. Her accent just sounded so weird to me....and she was an American.
And you actually will get pics this week! :)
I love all the clocks here. This is the Bear Tavern in Bearwood. Look at all the detail!
Remember me mentioning how even the robins were different here?? I FINALLY got a pic of our cutest neighbour. It's not the best, but isn't this the CUTEST robin you've ever seen? It's just so delicate. I LOVE it.
ALMA PASSAGE! THe street names here rock.....like things like Coronation Road are a standard name, like Oak Street. But Alma Passage? Doesn't get much better than that.
I LOVE YOU! Have a wonderful week! Pray for missionaries, and read your scriptures! :)
Sister Miller
(Confession. I just misspelled my first name. Nooo!! Not already!)