Okay. So the email's going to be a little short this week because....welll..... I talked to you for an hour yesterday! :) Oh that was so good. But hitting "end call" was almost as bad as walking away from you in the airport.
The members' whose house we were at were so prepared for how hard it would be afterwards....Amanda and Nathaniel had make us pancakes. So the Elders and my companion and I drowned our tears in pancakes. (British pancakes are delicious. They are thicker than a crepe, and then you just put filling in them. Like ice cream. Or lemon juice and sugar (which is my fave.))
And apparently both of the Elders chose to call their families to repentance. haha. Sorry I didn't know to do that! ;) so, family, I hope you are reading your scriptures daily and praying. Because I can't rebuke you for 7 months.
This week was incredible. Monday, I got a very unexpected call though. Usually a week before transfers, President calls and tells the trainers they will be training so they can go to a trainer meeting. All transfer long, my district leader has been telling me that I will train. And I've been in denial. But Monday night we visited a less active and saw that we had a missed call from President.
Almost immediately, I thought I would be sick, because I knew exactly why he had called. I was shaking so bad my companion had to be the one to call him back.
This transfer, I will be training. Which is humbling and scary and terrifying. I haven't even been on my mission for three months yet!!!!!! And I will be totally responsible for another person. I will be the senior companion, the one with experience who knows what to do. Training is the highest calling in the mission....you shape the entire mission experience of another person. Needless the say, my prayers and chocolate intake have both greatly increased this week. So, on Wednesday, I will go get my "baby" from the mission's office. I'm not supposed to really ask for this, but please pray a little extra for me this week.
And OT was baptised this week!!!!! It was the best feeling of my life. He was just so calm and quiet afterwards. And then after he was confirmed on Sunday, he just GLOWED. He goes back to Ghana in September, at which point he will baptise his wife. And maybe you thought I was joking yesterday, but I will seriously be in the Accra Ghana Temple with Sister Muller when he is sealed to his wife and daughters. Being a part of OT's conversion is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Seeing the gospel magnify his already vibrant testimony was a life changing feeling. If you are just thinking about serving a mission, GO. This weekend was the best weekend of my life, and it was because of the joy of another person.
I don't know what else to tell you. But I'll send you a few pics. :)
Exchange in Gloucester! Apparently we all color coordinated. haha. Sister Koons (blonde) and I came out at the same time. It was amazing to see how much we've both changed since we last really knew each other.
Christmas in May. Best box EVER. I have about ten thousand pics of me opening it, screaming in excitement, trying them all on, and playing with the box. haha. It was a MIRACLE.
Best day of my life. First day of OT's life as a member of Christ's Church.
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