Dear Family,
Please accept this official notice that I will be remaining in the UK forever, and if you wish to come see me you must come here. Thanks.
No, seriously, FOR REALS. I have been transferred to the most BEAUTIFUL place in the world.
In case you couldn’t read the title of my email....
I’m in Wales!!!!
And I’m in LOVE.
Seriously. I think I drive my comp nuts with how often I am gasping over scenery. Haha. (No, Mom. I don’t make her pull over all the time though...we are on the Lord’s errand! Haha.)
Please remind me why our ancestors left here again? ;)
We are in Heads of the Valleys, so basically it’s a bunch of little towns down in the Valleys, and there’s just one highway that connects them all. Driving home at night, there’s all the little Welsh homes with their little lights on down in the Valleys. It has to be one of my favourite things I’ve ever seen.
So basically I think you get that it’s gorgeous. It’s right near Merthyr, which means the Dan Jones “glory days” are literally just around the corner!
And I love it. The people here are soo much kinder than Brummies, and they have the wonderful Welsh accent (Well, I guess they actually have the Welsh valleys accent. But still.)’s much more musical sounding. Oh I just love it. It makes life just so enjoyable.
If I were literally here to gather sheep, this would be the place. However, since sheep is metaphorical for me as a missionary, it is going to be a little bit harder. Haha. BUT there are people here.
It’s going to be great. I love the ward. It’s much more like Warren or Corry, where you just feel like one big family. The Bishop conducted the music yesterday, if that lets you know how small it is. Haha.
Basically, I’m in love and ready to start again. I just love being a missionary. Heavenly Father is just so good to me. It was so hard to leave Harborne, but I fell in love with my new area as soon as we entered the ward boundaries and saw a castle. Like, it does NOT get better than this!! And the people are just incredible.
Okay. Sorry about the ranting. But if you know me, you understand that it’s like a balm to my soul to be somewhere like this. And I have been so stoked to tell you about it all week!
So, this week was really scattered and hectic, but I want to share one thing.
Saying goodbye to OT was so hard. Seriously, watching him accept the gospel has been one of the most incredible experiences of my life. He told me that no matter where he goes or what happens, he will worship with the Latter-Day Saints for the rest of his life. Best promise EVER! OT is a kingdom builder.
I was doing okay in the lesson, but then he gave the closing prayer. (And he offers the most INCREDIBLE prayers.) He said that when he had heard about the gospel from us, it had touched his heart in a way he didn’t know was possible. And he thanked Heavenly Father for it.
And that was it. I started crying and could NOT stop. Poor guy. I think it freaked him out a bit... “Don’t cry! Please please, don’t cry!” But I just remembered again how precious this opportunity is. I am so grateful and so humbled that I am a missionary, and have seen people’s hearts change as they accept the gospel. “And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!”
And it is! There is no feeling more joyful. I may have been called somewhere where I’ll see fewer people accept the gospel, but howprecious it is to see it in just the few! There is nothing more rewarding.
Christ LIVES. The gospel is true. The priesthood has been restored. When we know that, everything else just falls into place (or falls out of our lives). We realize what matters, and what we need to change to come closer to our Heavenly Father:
“And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved.”
That’s what I want! And it’s what I want for everyone I meet.
Oh, Heavenly Father is SO good to us.
Have a good week!
Sister Miller
I will teach ANYONE I can find here! haha. She sat and listened for a long time.
Wales is beautiful!
My family tree has grown! sister Mueller is in the white dress and this is all her "mission prodigy".
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